Monday 19 January 2009

Development process-design

Development process-design of the client’s requirements-source of finance

In 1995, detailed guidance was provided, supplementing the Local Plan for the redevelopment of the site. This gave prospective purchasers a clear indication of what was expected in their bid to the MOD and in subsequent planning application (

The Gunwharf Quays Proposal

The forecast were:

· An attractive waterfront development incorporating a maritime theme.
· A mixed use development with residential, retail, leisure and office uses was required, in order to promote activity and diversity.
· The provision of public open spaces
· Good public access with linkages to, from and within the site.
· Attracting a wide range of people and making the development successful. (Flagship)
· Keep the city firmly on the map( David Maddox)

The Gunwharf Quays proposal was an important and significant project for the City of Portsmouth. As a result, the MoD sold the site to Berkeley Group in 1996, who submitted an outline planning application in January 1997 to establish the principle of development. Matters such as the layout of the development, the design of all buildings, spaces and structures and landscaping were to be the subject of future reserved matters submissions. The submission also included retail, traffic and environmental impact studies (Flagship).

The main features

The main features of the scheme included:

· Leisure: restaurants, taverns and multiplex cinema (17,000 sq. m.).
· Retail: speciality shopping, craft and antiques market (17,000 sq. m.).
· Ariadne building retained for University of Portsmouth, linked with conference facilities (2100 sq. m.).
· Two new hotels.
· Up to 310 residential units: new buildings and conversions.
· Bars, cafes and restaurants (8,300 sq. m.).
· Offices (1,000 sq. m.).
· 2340 car parking spaces (1475 related to the retail).
· Open air theatre and City quays (1,100 sq. m.).
· Common areas and Tower access.
· Tourist Information centre.
· New homes. (Portsmouth City Council)

Planning Policy Guidance

Berkeley/Landlord had commissioned an investigation into the retail market, which concluded that a mixture of speciality shopping, designer outlets and bars/restaurants would be popular in this location. This mixture also corresponded to the type of operators who had followed up initial publicity of the project.
As required by Planning Policy Guidance Note 6 for retail development over 2500m² gross floorspace, a retail impact study accompanied the planning application. Specialist retail consultants Littman & Robeson produced a report (‘’Gunwharf, Portsmouth – An assessment of the likely effect on the vitality and viability of surrounding shopping centres’’, 1996). Amongst other things the study concluded that the nature of the centre would limit its competition with existing centres, particularly Portsmouth City Centre. Although the analysis was based on a worst case scenario assumption (that all turnover would be drawn from existing retailers), it was estimated that total diversion of expenditure on comparison and durable goods would be no more than 6% of the total anticipated growth of expenditure to 2001. Finally, it was deemed that Gunwharf Quays would meet part of the need for new floorspace over that period and would substantially enhance the quality of retailing in Portsmouth by improving specialist provision and potentially attracting retailers who might not otherwise be attracted to the city.
The application was presented to a special City Council Planning Committee meeting on 4th June 1997 where it was resolved to grant conditional outline
permission subject to the developer entering into two legal agreements with the City Council. One was a Section 106 agreement on details such as pedestrian/vehicular access, parking provision, siting of the Millennium Tower, provision of Millennium Promenade and Boulevard (within the site). The other was a Section 278 Highways Agreement for off-site highway works to a number of junctions (including the Park Road-Anglesea Road junction) (Portmouth City Council).

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